10 Break-Out Sessions

  • Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

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In a Polarised World, Companies Need Geopolitical Muscle

Amid climate change, the AI revolution, talent shortages, high interest rates, and other challenges, many corporate leaders have overlooked the impact of geopolitics. But in an increasingly fractured world, businesses need the right talent, approach to decision-making, and leadership to sense and respond to shocks.  by Nikolaus Lang In times of relative peace and…

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Emerging Principles of a New Generational Contract

How do we enable intergenerational leadership for long-term, regenerative strategies? Having asked this and similar questions through global surveys, student essays and cross-generational dialogues, our initiative and global community build on seven emerging principles for a New Generational Contract – developed in close partnership with the University of St. Gallen Collegium. At the 76th…

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Briefs – Inspiring Cross-Generational Dialogue

A Multipolar World Is Here. Will It Mean Further Democratic Decline?

As the world shifts towards a more multipolar landscape, the implications for democracy are profound and complex. In a year marked by significant electoral upheaval, citizens are increasingly rejecting the status quo, raising critical questions about the future of governance and the preservation of democratic values.  by Lindiwe Mazibuko The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born”. So said Antonio Gramsci, the founding member and one-time leader…

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Research – Exploring the Ties that Bind Generations

Emerging Principles of a New Generational Contract

How do we enable intergenerational leadership for long-term, regenerative strategies? Having asked this and similar questions through global surveys, student essays and cross-generational dialogues, our initiative and global community build on seven emerging principles for a New Generational Contract – developed in close partnership with the University of St. Gallen Collegium. At the 76th United Nations General Assembly session in 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned governments and businesses of a…

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Sympact – Reporting on our Key Initiatives

Zukunftsforum DACH: Executive Roundtable

Szenarioplanung in Zeiten globaler Unsicherheit Erkenntnisse des branchenübergreifenden „Zukunftsforum DACH“ im Rahmen des 53. St. Gallen Symposiums Wie können sich Unternehmen angesichts zunehmender globaler und regionaler Krisen erfolgreich vor geopolitischen Risiken schützen? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigte sich der Executive Roundtable des „Zukunftsforums DACH“. 14 teilnehmende Top-Führungskräfte aus der DACH-Region identifizierten gemeinsam geopolitische Risiken in ihren Unternehmen und erarbeiteten Handlungsempfehlungen zur Steigerung der unternehmerischen Krisenresilienz. Die Veranstaltung fand im Rahmen des 53….

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