10 Break-Out Sessions

  • Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

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Our Impact on


Our Understanding of Sustainability

As a world-renowned initiative with its central event in May, the topic sustainability has moved further and further up the list of priorities in recent years. In the process, an internal sustainability strategy was developed, which applies to the major sustainability challenges of the St. Gallen Symposium in a general manner. The challenges are first and foremost a sustainable St. Gallen Symposium each May and a holistic sustainable business activity during the year.

Our approach

1. Raise awarness
2. Reduce emissions
3. Certification and carbon removal

Our primary measures are aimed at sensitising the entire organisation committee, all employees and our entire network to the topic of sustainability. In a further step, this enables us to implement overarching measures that actually reduce our emissions. In a third step, operationally necessary emissions are certified or reduced using carbon-removal technology.

Our green impact

Our concrete steps towards a greener St. Gallen Symposium:

  • Digitalisation of our work: We digitalised mostof our work
    and therefore save on paper and print materials.
  • Sustainable Travel: Since we travel around the globe,
    we make sure to stay as much as we can to the ground.
    Only if needed we switch to travel by airplane.
  • Sustainability Taskforce: Every year, the sustainability taskforce is staffed by
    new people from the ISC Team in order to drive sustainability projects forward.
  • Office: We heat our offices with geothermal energy, which allows us to work in a sustainable achieved temperature. Furthermore, the entire building will be renovated in the next few months.
  • Mobility: We partner up with electric vehicle suppliers and we therefore bring our guests back and forth with 100% electric drive. Learn more about our New Mobility Concept.
  • Global Hubs: Thanks to our geographical expansion to different embassies all around the world, we are allowing for a new type of conferencing in the form of a blended format. Learn more about our hubs.
  • Tracking: In order to have indicators for sustainable management for the coming year, we are trying to track as many areas as possible.
  • Sessions: We put a strong focus on proactive sessions that are focused on the topic of sustainability. This increases the sensitivity and awareness of our participants at the St.Gallen Symposium.

Let us know how we should improve our sustainability!

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